Angela is a dedicated Bible student. She’s concerned about liberties taken with the Word of God in order to serve personal agendas, and she regularly checks and cross-checks claims made in the name of God or His Word and points others to what the Bible actually says or doesn’t say. However, she is also a writer with a teacher’s heart who desires to see others find themselves in the beautiful history of God’s love for His people. She believes the Lord led her to a very specific creative project called Her Bible Stories to help make this happen.
The vision is to (creatively, but prayerfully not unbiblically) retell Bible stories from her point of view. That’s it.
In many (most?) familiar Bible stories, there was a real, living, laughing, crying, dying woman who lived it, intimately. Because of cultural or practical inappropriateness or impossibilities, however, few of her words are recorded, and virtually none of her own story is told from her own heart.
In an attempt to reach our hearts in a new way, these are stories of God’s glory rewritten how SHE might want to tell us.
Angela is continually working on this project, so be sure to check back for new installments! Choose a friend and join her story today: